A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing the Timing Belt on the 240 Volvo non-B230 Engine
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Money back guarantee! bytewrite LLC cannot be liable for any injuries or mechanical problems arising from use of this booklet. While changing the timing belt on the 240 Volvo (non B230 engine) is an eminently doable procedure by any weekend mechanic, some people have trouble using a screwdriver and wrench. bytewrite LLC will only be liable for the cost of the booklet (not responsible for return shipping charges!) and will gladly refund this if you aren't satisfied.
Note: When replacing the timing belt, I encourage you to replace all the fan belts. At this time, I do not have instructions for replacing fan belts if you have air conditioning. If this is all right, then go ahead and order.
Please fill out and print this page, enclose a check, and send order to: bytewrite LLC, P.O. Box 2635, Bellingham, WA 98227, U.S.A. Make check out to bytewrite LLC. Expect delivery within 2 weeks (normally faster, but I may be on vacation).
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